This page will host additional resources related to Navarrete, A. F., Blezer, E. L. A., Pagnotta, M., de Viet, E. S. M., Todorov, O. S., Lindenfors, P., Laland, K. N. & Reader, S. M. 2018. Primate brain anatomy: New volumetric MRI measurements for neuroanatomical studies. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 91, 1-9.

The Primate Brain Bank MRI scans will be made available on figshare - these are the raw scans - and are already available on a repository specific to primate MRI data, the PRIMatE Data Exchange. A direct link is here: There are 51 folders of MRI scans. The additional scans, termed 'MRI Scan Donations' in the paper are not to be uploaded. We apologize that this is not clear in the paper.

Please note, the supplementary material and scans are currently not available on Figshare. This is because of technical issues in uploading the MRI scans and because additional anoynimization is required for the MRI Scan Donations, and so we requested the figshare data be taken down until this was resolved. As an interim measure, the supplementary tables containing only data based on the Primate Brain Bank MRIs is available here (Excel file). An erratum is in progress.

Since publication, another research group has contacted us regarding discrepancies between their unpublished data compiliation of non-human primate brain component volumes and our measurements of new brains. We are investigating the possible causes of these differences and will post the results as soon as possible. Until this is resolved we advise that our measurements not be used for comparative analyses.

For questions, please contact Simon Reader,

Last update: 16/10/2018.